(Deutsch) Presse


(Deutsch) AroMed Vaporizer Test

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(Deutsch) Salbei – Pflanze des Monats Februar 2023

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Granjero del cáñamo y paciente de la enfermedad de Crohn

Un artículo de DIE ZEIT el 12 de febrero de 2004 en extractos   El cannabis es un remedio vital para Michael Grosse. Por lo tanto, defiende el derecho de cultivar el material Él inhala la droga ilegal por los síntomas de su enfermedad. Sufre de la enfermedad de Crohn, una enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal crónica…
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Interview with an MS patient

From “Cannabis Culture” 2003 This interview was conducted in connection with the acquittal of Michael F. before the Mannheim District Court. Michael was confirmed by the district court judge that his fundamental right to adequate medication (with marijuana) was to be rated higher than the prohibitions of the BTMG (narcotics law). Michael had grown some…
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CannaBusiness 2002

Excerpts of an article by Peter Golembe in “Cannabis Culture” So I went in search of vaporizers. These are devices that heat up marijuana to the temperatures that are just hot enough to vaporize the cannabinoids, but not hot enough to smoke plant matter (…) AroMed’s “Phyto-Inhalation” is a true marvel of electronics where steam…
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When nothing is smoking when smoking

Süddeutsche Zeitung August 1997 When nothing is smoking when smoking Augsburg / Munich. (AP) Under the motto “Without smoke it works too”, passengers of the regional airline Augsburg Airways can immediately test for the first smoke-free cigarette in the world. Augsburg is next to Stockholm and Chattanooga in the US to three pilot cities, in…
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The US doctor advises: Kiff you healthy!

AZ 11.08.1997 The experts are going much further now. Marijuana works differently than the THC pill. Cannabis can also help patients who suffer from overpressure in the eyeball. And to remedy the annoyance that you must also inhale medically unwanted substances when smoking marijuana, they recommend the development of an inhaler. Hermann-Josef Tenhagen